Documents to travel to Russia

Documents to travel to Russia

There are destinations that, traditionally and from the tourist point of viewThey have always been popular. And there are others who, despite not having had that fame in the past, today are powers that attract millions of visitors. Among the latter, Russia stands out admirable way.

The country has taken an impressive turn with the beginning of the 21st century; and this can be verified increased securitythe ease of access for foreigners, the investment in the tourism sector and the amenities it offers its visitors. Such an opening, added to the cultural, architectural, natural and historical wealth of the nation, make it a dream destination for many.

Currently, it is a very popular country among those who do family tourism. Cities like Moscow and Saint Petersburgare loaded with attractions that fascinate children. Museums, zoos, amusement parks and of course, circus showsare part of the offer that Russia makes available to those who travel with the smallest of the house.

Immigration documentation required to enter Russia

If you are interested in traveling to Russia, language It will not be the only aspect that you will have to take care of. Before, you will need to order immigration documentation and make sure that it responds to the demands of the Russian government. This will vary depending on your nationality; but, in general terms, the following requirements are required of all visitors:

  • Passport. It must be valid, in perfect condition and have at least two contiguous blank pages. The authorities are very strict when verifying these conditions; therefore, in case of not complying with them, it is recommended to renew the document before traveling.
  • Round-trip tickets. They can be air, land or other means of transport.
  • Hotel reservation. Where the data of the company that offers the accommodation service, address and length of stay are verified.
  • Letter of Invitation. Those who stay with family or friends, have to provide this document. In it, the personal data of the host and a statement that he has the means to assume the expenses caused by the visitor must be included.
  • Proof of economic solvency. Information must be provided that demonstrates the ability to assume the expenses generated during the stay. In case of being invited by a citizen with Russian residence, it will be up to him to present the corresponding documents.

Those who enter the country by air receive upon arrival at the airport a immigration card. It is essential to keep it for the duration of the stay, since it is an instrument that demonstrates that the entry has been legal. This certificate may be required in hotels, by the police and when leaving Russia.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the Russian authorities have the power to interrogate to the visitor. In this sense, they may require information about your travel purpose, family ties, profession or other information that gives them the certainty that you will return to your country of origin.

Conditions for processing the tourist visa

Anyone interested in traveling to Russia should check with their embassy if it corresponds to them. process a visa. In the same way, said information can be verified in the official website of the Ministry of Tourism: Those who are required to provide this document must meet the following requirements:

  • Visa application form. This is filled out electronically by entering the following portal:
  • Valid passport. Valid, in good condition and with at least two free continuous pages.
  • Recent ID photo.
  • Confirmation of receipt of foreign tourist. Processed by the travel agency or the Russian hotel that will receive the person. A copy or a printout of the scanned document may be submitted.
  • Invitation letter issued by a tour operator, hotel, friend or relative. In the case of being carried out by a natural person, it must be processed in Russia before the general directorate of the Ministry of the Interior or in it is done virtually.
  • Travel insurance. Whose coverage is valid for the duration of the visa.
  • Payment of consular fees. This is equivalent to 5,000 rubles under the normal modality and 9,700 rubles if the procedure is urgent. It is done before the corresponding office according to the applicant’s nationality.

In regards to virtual form It is important to keep in mind that, once the filling process has started, the system will will close automatically if it stays idle for 20 minutes. In that case, if the person did not save the information provided, he must start uploading it again.

The procedure to request the tourist visacan be done under two modalities:

  • Normal. Whose estimated duration is 10 days.
  • Urgent. In which case a response is obtained in a period that varies between 3 and 5 days.

Electronic visa | What is it and who can request it?

On January 1, 2025, the Russian government implemented a electronic visaas an alternative to citizens of certain countries who wish to remain in the territory for less than 16 days. This permission will be granted whenever the visit takes place for reasons for tourism, business, humanitarian causes or in order to, share with family. To find out who is eligible, go to:

The process is completely virtual and once completed, you get a response in a maximum of 4 days. The required documents are also simpler than those required when applying for the tourist visa and they would be the following:

  • Valid and current passport.
  • Passport-type photo, clear, without folds or marks.
  • Details about the accommodation.
  • Travel insurance for medical expenses.

The virtual process consists of fill out a form. Once completed, the aforementioned documentation must be sent to the following email address: [email protected]

This process will not be valid if the person does not comply with the eligibility criteria. That is, those applicants who are not nationals of the favored countries for said benefit, who intend to stay in Russia for more than 16 days and those traveling by study or work reasonsor.

Likewise, it should be mentioned that, for now, the granting of electronic visas. This decision obeys the health contingency caused by COVID-19. Therefore, those interested will have to keep an eye on the decrees issued about it, by the Russian government.

Restrictions related to COVID- 19 established by Russia

The russian governmentlike the rest of the countries in the world, has developed a admission health protocol due to COVID-19. By virtue of this, those who wish to enter must comply with the following requirements:

  • Negative PCR test. The sample must be taken within 48 hours prior to arrival in the country. The receipt or certificate must be written in Russian or English. Those issued in Spanish must be accompanied by a translation in Russian, validated by the corresponding consular authority.
  • Sanitary Questionnaire. Each traveler must fill in the “Registry of those who arrive in the Russian Federation”, which can be downloaded by entering: ?q=visa

The private medical services in Russia they are usually very expensive. Therefore, given that tourists do not have the right to access the Public hospitals; Travelers are recommended to have a insurance policy that is valid in said country and whose coverage is valid during the days of the stay.

Additional information on Russian standards


Once the traveler enters the Russian territory, he must abide by the rules that govern in that country. Therefore, it is not enough to investigate the entry requirements; is also essential have knowledgeat least basic, of the laws and regulations to fulfill during your stay. Some of them are:

  • The consumption or sale of cigarettes/alcoholic beverages to people under 20 years of age.
  • It is forbidden to carry media material attacking the Russian Federation.
  • Due to the pandemic, it is mandatory to use of mask in public places and means of transport, as well as in closed spaces.
  • They are considered illegal public demonstrationsrelated to sexual or gender diversity.

Although not expressly prohibited by Russian law, it is advisable to avoid signs of affection between people belonging to LGBT category. Nationals tend to reject such conduct, and at times, it can lead to conflicts that include verbal and/or physical aggression.

Additionally, we recommend carry passport and visa at all times; since, it is requested frequently when addressing certain means of transport or enter the stores. They may also be required by responsible authorities of security.

Maya Martinez
Maya Martinez

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