Evidence and Documentation List for Asylum

Evidence and Documentation List for Asylum

The following “Evidence and Documentation List for Asylum” template aims to assist individuals in organizing and listing all the proofs and documents that would support their asylum case. This template can be useful for individuals preparing their asylum application as well as lawyers and legal advisors requiring a standardized tool for their clients.

Evidence and Documentation List for Asylum

[Applicant’s Name]: _____________________________
[Date of Birth]: _______________________________
[Nationality]: _____________________________________
[Address]: ________________________________________
[Phone]: __________________________________________
[Email Address]: ________________________________
[Case or File Number]: ________________________

[Date]: ____________________________________________

To Whom It May Concern,

I hereby attach a detailed list of all evidence and documentation supporting my asylum application. I request that each of these documents be considered in the evaluation of my case:

[Identification Documents]:
– _____________________________
– _____________________________
– _____________________________
(Continue as necessary)

[Evidence of Persecution in Home Country]:
– _____________________________
– _____________________________
– _____________________________
(Continue as necessary)

[Medical Documentation]:
– _____________________________
– _____________________________
– _____________________________
(Continue as necessary)

[Testimonials or Reference Letters]:
– _____________________________
– _____________________________
– _____________________________
(Continue as necessary)

[Other Documents or Evidence]:
– _____________________________
– _____________________________
– _____________________________
(Continue as necessary)

I appreciate the consideration and attention given to my application. I am available for any clarification or additional information that may be required.

[Signature]: _____________________________
[Applicant’s Name]: _____________________________

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Estrella Durán
Estrella Durán

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