Medical and Psychological History Format for Asylum

Medical and Psychological History Format for Asylum

This template or application letter can be used to document the medical and psychological history of a person seeking asylum. Properly recording any physical harm or psychological trauma can be crucial during the application process, especially if the applicant has previously received medical treatment. This format can be used and adapted by anyone, simply by replacing the relevant data.

Medical and Psychological History Format for Asylum


[Full Name of the Applicant]
[Date of Birth]
[Identification or Passport Number]

Current Address: ___________________________
Phone Number: __________________________

Physical harms sustained:

Detailed description of the physical harm (including date and location):

Psychological traumas sustained:

Detailed description of psychological trauma (including date and location):

Medical treatment history (specify dates, locations, and treating physicians):

Current medications:

Additional observations:

[Name and signature of the applicant]


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Estrella Durán
Estrella Durán

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